Columbia Students: Call for Holiday Market 2024 Signature Image

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ShopColumbia is seeking an original illustration, design, or photograph for the signature image of ShopColumbia's 16th Annual Holiday Market.  

The signature image will be used as a printed tabloid size poster, handbills, social media, and front window display. 



  • We are looking for designs that are inspired by the Holiday Market 2024 theme: Holiday Magic 
  • Only currently enrolled or students who will be enrolled during the fall 2024 term are eligible to submit.
  • A draft OR completed design can be submitted.
  • Artist is responsible for the primary imagery only.  Informational text about the event (dates, website, address, etc...) will be added by ShopColumbia staff.  
  • Artist may submit multiple submissions for consideration.
  • Preferred size format is tabloid 11" x 17" but image should be able to be scaled larger for the front window display
  • Color palette should be inclusive of all winter holidays and should not be predominantly red and green.
  • Selected artist will receive a $400 licensing fee for the use of the image

Submission Deadline: September 16, 2024 (by 11:59pm)

Examples of past year designs are below:














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